
Our board-certified and licensed

Doctors/providers manage and treat

complex medical issues such as

Diabetes, Heart Disease, Asthma, and

Infections. Optional dedicated services

include specialists that treat HIV/AIDS,

Tuberculosis, Pain/Addiction, and more!


High Blood Pressure and Asthma

We have the ability to measure high blood pressure and asthma remotely, offering your facility advanced level care at your fingertips!

Diabetes and High Cholesterol

Diabetes and High Cholesterol can be treated over the phone or via telehealth with our rapid availability.

Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS

Chronic infections should never go unmanaged, and optional services allow us to treat even the most severe infections in your facility

Fever and Infection

First-line treatment provided at your facility, remotely, allowing us to rapidly diagnose and treat your personnel.

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